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Hogwarts Legacy

Mod Request - Change Default Uniform


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The default uniform is different from what every other student is wearing.


For example

We get - Prefect Vest Uniform prefect_vest_uniform_slytherin_malegear_ prefect_vest_uniform_slytherin_femalegea

NPCs wear - Plaid Formal School Uniform plaid_formal_school_uniform_slytherin_ma plaid_formal_school_uniform_slytherin_fe

I have used Slytherin for the example but this applies for the four houses in their respective colours.

Is it possible to swap these outfits so we get the 'Plaid Formal School Uniform' as the default option?

Edited by seasaltciel
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There is also the issue of the vest, socks and tie being a different colour to the rest of the Slytherins too. (As well as the Green of your robe) and once I saw it I couldn't unsee it


(Idk if you noticed and if I added another issue I apologise lol)





As seen in this picture. Vest, tie and the green of the robe differ (And dark grey socks)


Its the same for all houses as well (But Slytherin is the only house that has the player robes vary in colour)

Edited by Oisinmal
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I have noticed colour differences, which is really weird and I have no idea what the development team was thinking with this... I hope there is a mod to fix it in the future but honestly I just want the default uniform to fit with everyone else first. It just seems like a huge oversight.

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Unfortunately for me once I saw it, I couldn't unsee it. Once you see how bright the green is amongst others, you can't unsee it.


I think the Dev team were thinking "Make the Player stand out" in terms of uniform colouring


I get it, but I'd prefer to blend in

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With the amount of customisation we have got, we can easily stick out. It just seems crazy that we do not have a identical school uniform. There are so many discrepancies that I CANNOT UNSEE. Keep pointing them out, then hopefully they will get fixed.

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