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Hogwarts Legacy

Lazy eye


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So one thing that's really annoying me about this game is that my character has a lazy eye. I tried going back and recreating my character assuming that I messed something up in the character creation, but it just started happening again. I'm assuming this is a bug? Has anyone experienced this and is there a fix for it?

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All the characters have lazy eye. NPCs too. Maybe not Prof Fig, he never seems to have it. But there are a STACK of facial animation issues. Nothing game breaking but plenty of very quick little immersion breakers. Like the Lazy eye or "resting bitchface" which many of the male and female characters have.


Apparently the development team spent al their time ensuring proper diversity (for a game set in late 19th century England) and making sure to add all the modern sexuality preferences (again, for a game set in 19th century England) and just didn't have enough time to properly QA all the facial animations and timings.

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