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Hogwarts Legacy

(Mod Request) More Friendly PC UI Layout for Spells


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This is my first time positing here so thank you for taking the time to read this. :)


I have a request for a mod... I am loving HL SO much, however, switching between spell bars is becoming a bit tedious, especially as I get further in the game. I seem to spend more time flipping through looking for the spells I want, rather than actually having an engaging time in combat. If possible, I would love a mod that would create a more MMORPG UI layout for spells. The best example I can think of would be WoW, where you can have all of the spells in front of you and be able to organize them and bind them to whatever keys you like. I feel this would ease many of my annoyances with the combat gameplay.


If anyone out there could make this possible you would be an absolute lifesaver to me!! Thank you again for your time and take care!

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