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Controller Issues


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I'm rather new to modding as I have successfully modded new vegas to be as smooth as it cant, but i'm having rather a tough time with fallout 3. I have most things in order but one thing that really is bugging me is the controller aspect of it. I'll break it down:

1) the controller does not allow me to simply press the A button when I am in my pip boy, It double "clicks" whatever it is, like a weapon or armor or consumables. It is really rather frustrating.
2) The Controller doesnt allow me to drop "ANY" item. I don't understand what this is about.
3) The controller does not like the "Y" Function when trying to repair an item. It instantly goes to Binding said item to whatever direction on the DPad.
4) When I crouch, it wants to Bring up an Xbox text bar and then disappears if I hit "B". I don't know what this is about either, as it started doing that as soon as I started my playthrough.

As I'm sure as you can see this is intensely frustrating, As I literally just want to play the game in a better setting than I did years ago. If anyone out there can help with Remapping or just plain figuring out why it is doing this, I would be very appreciative on insight.


The Controlller is an Xbox Elite 2 that is hardwired through USB.

Thank you,


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