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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod Request] Literally any immersion mod!


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Yes yes the 80th recolor of a broom or wand is great and all but I would love to see some immersion mods.


- Eating in the great hall (just adding those interactive apple bowls or cupcake stands would be great)

- "Sleeping" to pass time

- NPCs saying "Hey watch it" or similar if you cast spells at them

- Follower system (I've seen someone working on an "Imperio on NPCs" mod that does this so there may be a way to do it without Unforgivables?)

- Saveable outfits to switch between

- Literally any reasons to be in the common rooms/Great hall after looting the chests

- Eventually maybe patrolling prefects at night


I wish I was able to mod because I have so many ideas and too much free time, but alas math hates me and I it, so coding is beyond me. The most Ive ever managed is recolors of objects for the Sims and a few new food items (with recipes) for Skyrim.


I think immersion mods will add so much to the quality of life for this game long term, because otherwise it is going to fall off the map quickly after one or two play-throughs. Its too linear as it stands for variety in replay. If anyone is working on these type of immersive mods, could you let us know?

Edited by unforgotten13
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