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Mod as a workaround to fix "armed to the teeth easy version"?


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I think this would be even more easily to do than taking the normal mod xD , currently the easy version is just an ini but it has the issue when using hotkeys to change weapons it puts sometimes two weapons on the same hand or makes it invis , this is easily avoided:

  • by forcing a sheath of current weapon
  • unequip that weapon
  • equip to desired weapon
  • and sheath it

it could get a bit complex doing this manually all the time in the mid of the fight , and while also it requires forced sheath and unshead...but if you dont mind that cause sounds immersive it maybe be a nice addition as well...


i guess i could do this with autohotkey easily if i could send a global command to unequip current weapon but not sure if this possible and i lack understanding of mods :( so maybe someone could jump on it?

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