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Help! Cells dropping off the world! Disappearing land!


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Urgent help!

I've recently stumbled upon a weird bug which disjoins entire cells. It creates a massive gap where previously there was land

I recently generated LOD with Oscape. When that failed I used CK's Land LOD generation and now my worldspace is screwed over. The bug appeared when i used the CK generation


Anyone have ideas about how to fix this?


Its crippling since I've invested a LOT of time into it. If i had to revert to a previous version it will mean i'll be losing a month's work.







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Bad news I'm afraid. This bug happens when you save your plugin after generating LOD in the CK. There is no fix for it.


Rule: Always exit the CK after generating LOD...DO NOT SAVE


You may be lucky and have the CK set to autosave. Look for a folder named Backup in your Skyrim folder or Skyrim\Data folder (can't remember which). Your backup esp should have a name like Yourmod.esp.1.bak or Yourmod.esp.2.bak. If it's there, rename it to Yourmod.esp.


Note: The last number is not always the last save, so check the files by date and select the latest.


If the backup folder is not there, then your months work is lost.


For future reference, open the CK and select File > Preferences. Go to the Misc tab and put a tick in the Auto Save every box and add a time in the minutes box.

I set mine to 15 minutes.

Edited by Tamb0
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Thanks Tamb0. Exactly the information i need

Unfortunately my autosaves went off at 5min intervals, so I've lost any save before the bug.

The Silver lining is that I've found a file which was from a week ago (randomly I dragged it to the desktop) So i'm lucky in that I've only lost a week's work

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