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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod Request] Off-Center Camera Fix


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It might just be me, but I find the off-center camera quite frustrating, especially when flying. It would be great if there were a Mod that could provide some fixes or options for camera position:


- Center the player in the camera frame (at least while flying)

- Allow looking up and down while flying (I find the inability to tilt the camera while flying very irritating

- Increase the FOV or camera distance from the player (I find it too tight, even at maximum FOV)

- First-person view toggling would be very cool as well

- Left-handed: I am not, personally, but it might be nice to have the option of switching wand/camera sides for left-handed players


These would be some nice options. I would make this mod myself, if I could, but alas I must rely on the benevolence of others. Feel free to add any other suggestions for camera fixes.

- Allow looking up and down while flying (I find the inability to tilt the camera while flying very irritating

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+1 camera centering.


unfortunately AS/WB/PG don't seem to be able to add sliders for PC state camera offset(s). This was something addressed in Witcher 3 with script mods, camera X,Y,Z options that could be set on a per-state basis (exploration,riding,combat,etc). It would be great to have this in HL.



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