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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod Request] Broom Controls Remapping


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I find the broom controls (for controller) to be rather cumbersome and unintuitive. I propose an improvement:


Left stick: Forwards and backwards are... forwards and backwards; tilt angle changes speed. Left and right allow you to "strafe" sideways; tilt angle again changes speed. Left trigger can still be boost.

Right stick: Tilt up and down are dive and climb, respectively. Left and right are turn left and right.


This would feel much more intuitive to me.




Some other things I think would be amazing:


- Casting while flying: The above controls would also free up the right trigger for casting. Broom combat would be excellent!

- Full "aircraft" control: I would ideally love to be able to fly with full control, complete with rolling, loop-the-loops, barrel rolls, fully vertical dives, etc.

- Another fun option would be to enable collision damage (from hitting trees, the ground, etc). could be a fun realism add-on


Let me know what else you'd like to see!

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