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Equip more weapons / Better weapon wheel


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I would like to be able to change weapons without having to open inventory. 3 equipped weapons are not enought for me. I would like to have aa pistol, sniper, katana anad knife equipped at the same time while also being able to cycle between different snipers for example.


There is a mod called cyberarm cycle which together with system ex patch, allows you to cycle between cyberarms in weapon wheel just like heals or grenades.


This is basically what i want for our 3 weapon slots (preferably also increased to 4 slots). For example you can equip 3 weapons for each slot and then cycle between them with weapon wheel, just like in GTA 5. And ideally i would prefer that we have 4 weapon slots to begin with.


It should be possible somehow, since cyberarm cycle mod can do it. I would even settle for a 4th weapon slot at the very least.


It would be amazing if someona can do this. Thanks a lot for all your work.


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