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If you are downloading a mod automatically it FREQUENTLY puts the files in the wrong place. You will probably find that is what has happened. You need to find where the meshes have gone and manually move them across to the right place. If you wish I can PM you some more detailed instructions but you will find them on the forum here if you search.
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There are a few mods with auto-installers built in. I haven't had problems with those. I mean where you download the mod straight into your Morrowind directory. The read me probably implies that it will install all files to the right place but often it does not. Then the mod either doesn't appear in the data files to be selected or gives error messages and yellow warning triangles when the game is being played. If you work down through the programme files on the C drive (or wherever you installed Morrowind) you get Bethesda Softworks - Morrowind - Data Files - Meshes/Textures/Icons etc. When you open meshes that is all it should contain, sometimes in subfiles (labelled A etc.)


It is not unusual to find the download appearing as a subfile of data files called data files, Bethesda Softworks or even Programme files. You have to move all the files marked meshes, icons, textures, sound etc from here into the correct place manually. Sometimes it downloads meshes into meshes but as a subfolder called 'meshes'. The computer does not access this subfolder and the contents must be taken out.


I don't know if that makes sense but that is usually why downloaded mods fail to work. Sometimes the modder does forget to include a file. The first time I played Korobal Island the modder had omitted the galleon exterior files. I came across the interior floating over the sea. Very weird. Always check for rogue files before blaming the modder however.

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