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Could Use Some Help With NPC Sandboxing


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Hello there, all. I made a similar topic WAY WAY back, but I decided that, rather than dredge up that old thing, I'd just put on a fresh face.


So, I've had this problem for some time now. I've been trying to modify warrriorpoetx's Primm Reborn mod for my own personal tastes; among these modifications is making a primitive sandbox for some NPCS added.


The problem is that, well, the game can't seem to make up its mind as to whether it wants to work or not. Indeed, it seems to change whenever I reload a save.


Problems I've found.


1. Upon exiting the bar at the end of "My Kind of Town", occasionally they simply do not appear. 4 NPCs exit the bar, only 3 or sometimes 2 come out. (TENTATIVELY FIXED, MAYBE)


2. The two female NPCs, while entering their correct residence, often exit out of the next-door residence.


3. The two male NPCs, by contrast, often walk in and out of each others houses, despite nothing in their sandboxes indicating this should happen. (FIXED)


As previously mentioned, it all varies between saves.


I have attached the plugin if anyone wants to take a look at it. It requires all 4 main DLC packs (IE, not including GRA and Courier's Stash).



Edited by SovietSailor
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