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Hogwarts Legacy

Make all House exclusive quests available for all Houses


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Since nobody has brought this up for some reason, I am. There's no point in replaying the game for just a single quest. That is insanity. Instead make all the quests available regardless of what House you choose. Content shouldn't be locked behind meaningless gates. Calling anyone with the necessary experience for creating or modifying quests and questlines in Unreal Engine to make this request a reality. I guarantee that everybody will thank you for doing this.

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You're right, it is insanity to replay for a single quest. You replay to experience the game again and see different possibilities on every quest. The house quests are just a bonus

Yes I have seen that you get to have certain experiences with characters you see exist in the game regardless but have a different point of view with them if you are in the same House. I don't care about that. I want my quests. Ideally you'd trick the game into thinking you're in all the houses except when you do the classroom stuff (to prevent issues with the classroom scenes). Then you'd be able to choose any of your "friends" from any of the Houses for various quests or Duel Wands, etc.

Edited by DaedraDragonborn
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  • 2 weeks later...

I do not think this would be a good idea. Lots of quests that are linked would cause quest bugs to occur. For example: the Jackdaw's Rest quest. houses have different ways to obtain details on Jackdaw. A modder would also have to break immersion of the game to allow your character to be able to enter all the houses. Once a required quest is complete it triggers the next event. Thus, one of two or both of these things will happen. 1. the other ways to start the quest will disappear. OR you can still do the other routes to get to Jackdaw. But the game logic already sees you on the next stage of progression. This is what we call sequence breaking and can lock you in limbo.

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In my opinion they are too many common quest and not enough specific quest linked to your house. Personally, I think the quest should be linked to specific characteristics of each house. Common quest should be in the extreme minority. If there is one disappointment, it is too many common quest. I would also add more gender specific quest, to encourage people to try each. This would at least create 8 different playthroughs. Perhaps all in good time.

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