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control panel and spawning things


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well it very well none issue that vista has a conpatibal issue with the control panel. many reasons that it may be it never really botherd me atall besides one thing. Spawning creatures and npc etc. what im asking for. may be possible maybe not i'm not sure. all i no is that it is way out of my skills.


what i'm asking for is a spawning mod so it would be able to spawn creatures, npc etc w/e.

any how i dunno how it would work this. maybe a cammand list or box or computer summit in ur pitbpy with a list of creatures

but you wan't to be able to control it like the number of creature and where to basicly where ur pointing.

beause people like me a missing out on spawning super mutants in the middle of megaton and stuff like that

and id love to no how much fun it would be to watch 10 BHOS up against 50 mutans.

any way i no this would be hard but i was just wondering if any one had thought of doing this.

I no some people have made special rooms with all the items in it because people can't acess it via consal camand.

any way thanks id like feed back.

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