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Hogwarts Legacy

Mods are Limited?


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I know that it's early into the modding for this game, but I'm noticing that all the mods coming out are mostly cheats and texture changes. There really isn't anything relating to new spells nor mods that say, have Sebastian or Poppy follow you on your post-game adventures.


I'm wondering if those types of mods are possible without access to the "creation kit" or whatever the hogwarts equivalence would be to that for Skyrim?


It'd help me know what to expect. For me this is sort of determining whether I'll get the PC version or just stick with the console one alone.


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Don't seem very limited. There is one modder who is creating wanted system.

You can kill students but then teachers will spawn to you and attack you till you are out of health and then you will be spawned to Azkaban.

And there is multiplayer mod they are creating.


I think the game is still very fresh, I imagine with a year there are very insane mods.

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