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[SSE] Sitting & Leaning on Wall Bard Animations. Continuous playing.


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I know it sounds boring, but the Lux/Patrician ENB interior lighting takes me back to a simpler and better time, like living in a 16th and 17th century Dutch masters painting.


Could someone with animation skills please make a few bard playing animations playing while sitting in chair, sitting on the floor (skin rugs) and leaning against wall?


As I read IRL, it would be nice to set up my character by a fire in a tavern or keep, and have her continuously play various tunes out of her songbooks. If there is a way to string together tunes without having to choose after each one, that would be a wonderful mod. Oh, and if there is a way to cut the redundant (and sometimes annoying NPC[Kleppr]) dialog while playing to ~20% volume, that would also be wonderful.

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