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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod Request] Unlimited Swift Dash


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Would be great to have a mod that allows an unlimited cast of the swift dash, or adds a talent which upgrades the swift dash to be able to go on without limit, as long as the dash button is held.


It would be a bonus to change the colour of the dash from white to black if there are any points invested into the dark-arts tree.


it would be a crazy bonus if the swift dash state (smoke) could be used as a broom skin so that you can fly around like smoke (like the scene in order of the Phoenix)


Would happily pay £ for this... ha!

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Not a mod necessarily, but already exists if you're willing to use something like cheat engine.


Don't use cheat engine. There are way better ways. I use both WeMod and Plitch. I won't advertise the sites. But just google them. The websites end in a (dot)com address.

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Not a mod necessarily, but already exists if you're willing to use something like cheat engine.


Don't use cheat engine. There are way better ways. I use both WeMod and Plitch. I won't advertise the sites. But just google them. The websites end in a (dot)com address.


How do you do it with those softwares ? I also use them but i dont see a way for unlimited swift dash :o


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