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Hogwarts Legacy

Change the cast audio spell audio files


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Hello Everybody.


I would like to change the audio files for when the character cast spells but I can't find them. I never did any modding before and I can't find how to do that. I think I found the files I want to changein the .pak files with UnrealPak.exe but I don't know how to change thoses.


Could you help me to do it please?

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Ok, so thanks to this tutorial I found what I think to be the audio files for the spells casting, but I can only export them in .Uasset and I don't know how to open those. I used Unreal Engine to import a folder i put them in, but when I go in the folder in Unreal Engine, all I see is an empty folder.


Could you help me to figure this out please?

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