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Ramdom freezes while outdoors after installing a few mods.


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Okay, I didn't solve the problem. I thought I had removed the mod that was causing this. I've been able to run a circle around the entire map without a single freeze. Now, the freezes started happening again, and they're more relentless than ever. I can't walk more than a minute or two without freezing solid and I'm getting beyond sick of it. What on earth could be causing this? My load order shouldn't be the issue. Why wasn't I getting this before? What on earth could possibly be causing this? My game's borderline unplayable, and I AM NOT RESTARTING THIS GAME ALL OVER AGAIN. If I have to, I'm giving up on skyrim forever, and this computer too probably since I use it for nothing else.


What on earth could cause relentless freezes to materialize in a game that's been stable for over 10 levels? It makes no sense at all.


Sorry for my foul mood, it feels like I'm slamming into a wall every single time my stupid game freezes and I'm beyond sick of it all. I'm sick of having to sign out just to get my computer unstuck. Sick of having to retrace my steps over and over again. Sick of losing massive amounts of progress due to these freezes. Sick of the stupid thing freezing seemingly every minute or two. Sick of having to make saves ever few seconds just in case my game freezes. Sick of having no clue what so ever could be causing this.

Edited by InDarkestNight
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