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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod Request - but not really] Nimbus 1000 broom


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I was thinking, Nimbus 2000 was made in the 90's, so it feels weird to use it in the 1890's (which would be considered 90's back then... uh forget about that) so, I wondered, which broom came before it? Just so it happens there is a Nimbus 1000 from the 1967 (i know, it's still not 1800's, but you know, it's 1000!!!)

There isn't really a model for it, but a drawing (Nimbus 1000 | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom) I thought; that would be the perfect time for amazing artists to try and recreate their own version of this broom in a way to let their imagination flow through the blueprint image of it.

If anyone of you talented artists feels available and wild enough to try it, i'd love to use the mod if turns out to be a pretty broom project :T


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