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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod Request] Custom pics in HL (from our PC)


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Hi all !
I'm a huge noob in mods.
I've seen many "paintings" mods but I wondered if there was a way to create a mod that would allow anyone to import any image from our computer, in order to replace the ones from the game ?
I hope I made myself clear, I'm not english/american. ^^
Take care, and congrats to all modders here :)

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There are two tutorials on Youtube: moving pictures and static

Static is just a pack of pictures distributed by names (easy, but requires UE4)
Moving is mostly prerendered grid of videos (like 4:4, 5:5) and with some unreal magic they are distributed randomly in the game (hard, but requires video editor instead of UE4)

For now this is it, choose what suits you most

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