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*Actual* Zombie Survival Mod


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I have been out of Skyrim for a while now but I have been looking into some of the realism and survival mods. I know the whole zombie thing seems played out to most but I seriously haven't found the zombie game that suits what I am looking for. I see enormous potential in a fun setup in Skyrim so let me explain.


Take some of the existing survival and realism mods that include eating, drinking, sickness, realistic day and night, realistic combat, hypothermia, camping, and the mods that allow more tools to be used as weapons.


Remove all but new actual npcs/merchants. The only ones left are roaming merchants that you have a *chance* to encounter for some trade, and maybe some roaming survivors, some of which are friendly, others that will act as bandits to try to take your stuff/kill you.


Remove all enemies, including dragons, and put in zombies (either the existing models, or create a few different ones). Place them all over, some alone, some in small groups, some in roaming hoards. Some fast, some slow, ya know, zombies. Give them low health but high physical damage. Do the inverse for the surviving player, except maybe medium damage, but with easy injury, death, starvation, etc.


Make the wilderness more populated by animals that act more naturally, but can be utilized for food and clothing. Chop wood to make fires, build camps, etc.


Put a timer in to keep track of how long you can survive in Skyrims post apocalyptic setting.


There would need to be reason to venture into undesirable places such as the cold for specific reasons. Maybe an npc wants you to go get a specific item or hide for trade for something you need such as medication or tool. Use the dungeons for having various materials, maybe camps for survivors or merchants.


I realize a lot of this can be covered by existing mods, and I have come across them, but the npc work doesnt seem to be done very well in the existing mods. I have no desire to play through skyrim normal again, so the storyline would need to be gutted imo.


Anyway, that is my request. From the things I have seen done in this game with mods, I am sure it can be done, its just finding an interested modder.



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