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leveled lot help


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The only way I can think of is to have one piece of the armour in the levelled list then, when the player sees the armour (eg, open a chest) have a script add the remaining pieces of the suit of armour. There might be problems if the levelled list is used on a large scale though (eg, levelled chests in a number of caves).
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I didn't think there was a easy way .. just posting here for the slim chance ..


The sets are for NPC's .. so my workaround is to have a NPC for each armor type on the leveled mod list .. alot of records but it will work out

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In that case, I would have the cuirass of each armour set in the levelled list. Then put a script on the cuirasses or NPCs to check which cuirass the NPC has and the script then adds the rest of the suit to that NPC's inventory.


This should work if you are adding new NPCs or armour or only doing small changes. For a larger or more complex mod though, another solution would probably be necessary.

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