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Circle Tower - Cullen mod idea?


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Everyone in the tower knows Cullen is in love with your mage. And there's a mod that lets you have a private moment with him after you complete your Harrowing (have it-love it!). But Cullen is also one of the Templars standing by to kill you if you fail your trial in the Fade. So, I was wondering, would it be difficult to add a small cut to show a concerned (maybe a tortured looking) Cullen as you prepare to enter the Fade? I mean, he's in love with you and knows he may need to kill you out of his sense of duty. That's got to be tough on the guy don't you think? A mod to add this would really add to the immersion factor in the whole mage-Cullen-love scenario.

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I wish there was a way to entice Cullen into a romantic episode. Something along the lines of the Dairren one-night-stand episode. Yeah, I'm a naughty girl, I admit it. The kiss Cullen mod is awesome, don't get me wrong! But that little kiss is so, I don't know, well, let's just say, it needs pursuing! It's like only eating one potato chip, ya know? I'd like Cullen to remember my Mage for more than a little smootch in the back room?

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