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Hogwarts Legacy

Ombre Blue-Purple Hair Displayed in Snellings


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One of the hairs that spins up in Snellings is an ombre blue-purple version of the long curled hair with a center part (see here)--why is it shown there if we cannot get it, why can we not get it, and has anyone any plans to mod it? I've looked for hair color changes on the Nexus and found nothing, even though the "blue" option your character gets is more purple than blue, and the green is so yellow tinged as to look....well let's just say bad. That plus the amount of hairs almost entirely covered by wearing any hat--well, the game feels very stiflingly British to start with and this doesn't help matters.
Also no I don't care about the setting or time period, we have Literal Magic I can have multicolored hair.

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