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Hogwarts Legacy

mod request SHOP OWNER


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I know many mods are being made each and everyday i just think it would be really cool to see a Shop Owner mod. I like most PC gamers am pretty chapped about the whole pc exclusive, it would be pretty cool to see a mod be made for the mean time. I know a lot of work goes into modding but gamers such as myself would really appreciate it.

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Some advice. If you request a mod, you might want to describe you want the mod to do.


You massage the egos of modders twice and included some irrelevant detail, but you only name the mod, not described it. What is the thing you want the shop owners to do that is not in the game?




I know many mods are being made each and everyday i just think it would be really cool to see a Shop Owner mod. I like most PC gamers am pretty chapped about the whole pc exclusive, it would be pretty cool to see a mod be made for the mean time. I know a lot of work goes into modding but gamers such as myself would really appreciate it.

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