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Looting Lag


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It has been happening for a while, but it just started to really bother me: Whenever I activate a lootable object (i.e. A dead person, crate, chest, etc.) it takes around 4-10 seconds for the list of objects to show up. This is on PC and I've played it on Xbox and it was much quicker. Also, when I first started Oblivion for PC it was pretty fast, but after a while it slowed down more and more. Any way to fix this? Thanks.
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drops some items


that happens to me when i have like at least 200+ items...


if your computer is slower it could take less items to cause the lag.


Put some items that you don't use in a chest that doesn't respawn items, lock it up and then see if the lag goes away.

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I ran into this when using the bag of holding. When you have too much stuff, it takes the game a while to list it all. Either sell it or, as gotxbrains said, put the stuff somewhere like a chest in a player house.


There is also a bug that happens at around 200 hours of play. It affects any container, flames and doors making them extremely slow. There are several fixes available.


If you have that, here is the fix I use. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5127

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