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Teleporting Randomly In Cells


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Hey, I made a cell in the GECK and hooked it up to the worldspace correctly etc. but when I go into a specific room in the cell, I randomly teleport back to the entrance as if I had fallen through the map. The room is navmeshed, has no holes in it and for all purposes looked acceptable.


Does anyone know what could be causing this to happen?

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The player doesn't use Navmesh since there's a brain directing movement. Actors use Navmesh.

But it sounds like you are falling through the floor. If you jump or fall into the cell void you end up at the last teleport marker.

Something to do with the NIF possibly. You could try selecting everything in the cell and shifting it a few units then resave the plugin.

Also, I seem to remember a post where setting the esm flag in the plugin might fix it too.

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