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Hogwarts Legacy

Friendship - Companionship mod


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I know there is a companions mod using a system already in the game but not implemented, but I'd love to see it more... immersive? fun? interactive?

A friendship - Companionship mod (NOT ROMANCE, I don't want romance in a game full of children and teens)

A system to approach named NPC's and have a simple "press X" interaction to talk to them, maybe a text only conversation. Something casual, simple.

After X amount of level 1 interactions (limited per in game day) with an NPC, to be able to share more personal info that serves as hints for the next step (gifts). Like favorite magic class, favorite professor, favorite creature, food, drink, favorite X thing.

Then after X amount of level 2 interactions to be able to gift them things. Items (not necessarily actual items, but just conversation based options, giving - offering the options that the NPC has stablished he/she likes or prefers... perhaps actual in game items, making it a little bit more interesting, like a certain monster material, herb, clothing piece etc that they wanted). And receiving a gift back everytime we successfully give them what they needed.

After X amount of level 3 interactions, having the option to ask them to come with us as passive companions (no combat) or to help us with homework - assignments - farming... one or the other. Companions would follow us and just be around, not helping in combat until certain amount of time passes with them following us around, then having them as active companions and even more interesting dialogue interactions like talking about X place that we visited together or X monster we defeated, situation with X professor or something similar. Again, nothing about romance, spicy crap or anything weird. We really dont need that in HL.

Having them help us with homework - assignments - farming instead, leaves the npc to its regular schedules but once a day, in game time, we can check on them and they'll have a small amount or 1 piece of whatever we asked them for... and as time goes on and we keep helping - giving them stuff, they give more back.

Maybe have a more elaborate way of increasing the friendship level by inviting them to hogsmeade one day and they only follow us for X amount of time until we complete the hang out event (reaching hogsmeade counting as success, hence increasing friendship level more than the regular basic interactions would). Or taking them to a room they need because they got lost or something.

and, maybe, as a final stage for the friendship, when you become "bro's" "sisters" "bff" and "tight as a troll and bogeys" have something special. A unique special item that can be obtained ONLY when the highest friendship level was achieved, and maybe a different item for each of the NPC's available to befriend...

I am aware that modding isn't easy... But I just had this in my mind even before the game was coming out...

As well as an inverted system, instead of making an NPC a best friend, being able to also make rivals, and being able to mess around, steal things or even duel an npc by upsetting them enough lol.

That's it...thats my idea / request... I know it's too much and I will try to learn modding soon so i can stuff myself (if i have the brain enough) and share instead of just begging.

Thanks to all the modders for their work and amazing ideas.

Edited by Muregain
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