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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod Requests] Brighter Lumos, Darker Dungeons and Darker Nights


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Would it be possible for someone to create a mod, or separate mods that make Lumos brighter, make dungeons darker, and make nights darker?


As I traverse through the world of Hogwarts and the surrounding Hamlets, I find that caves and dungeons aren't all that dark, I find that nights are not even remotely dark (and I even use a ReShade), and that Lumos is pitiful in comparison to the movies.


I'd love to see a mod, or mods, that fix these things by making dungeons darker, make nights actually dark and require Lumos, and make Lumos actually light up the area like it did in the movies (think back to Lumos Maxima in Harry's room).

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Would it be possible for someone to create a mod, or separate mods that make Lumos brighter, make dungeons darker, and make nights darker?


As I traverse through the world of Hogwarts and the surrounding Hamlets, I find that caves and dungeons aren't all that dark, I find that nights are not even remotely dark (and I even use a ReShade), and that Lumos is pitiful in comparison to the movies.


I'd love to see a mod, or mods, that fix these things by making dungeons darker, make nights actually dark and require Lumos, and make Lumos actually light up the area like it did in the movies (think back to Lumos Maxima in Harry's room).

THIS! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 100% THIS! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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