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Help me: Save files and load orders


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Hello forum! I've been a member of Nexus Mods for a long time now (first days of oblivion modding) but I've never made a forum post before! What a shame! Lately I've encountered an issue: How can one figure out his exact FNV mods installed and their load order? If I remember correct The Oblivion Mod Manager would do this for you and I'm not sure about FOMM because for some reason I can't make it work anymore (crashes with no explanation after execution). I might be missing an obvious solution integrated into Nexus Mod Manager or I might even be posting in the wrong category so treat me like a total n00b and help me out! much appreciated!

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Did you try installing NMM, and having it find your FNV?


It should show all of your plugins in a tab up top, both active and inactive.


EDIT: If you want to see a screenshot of what I'm talking about, let me know

Edited by daggg
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No the problem is this save file is from a very long time ago. I have uninstalled Nexus and all of its cached mods since then so when I do that It detects the game but not the mods. I installed a fresh copy of the game and copied my save files to the save directory.

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first take backup of save game


2 depend on what fallout with dlc u have , look at release date that order



then unoffical patch order if u have such


then rest of the mods


but in general if u cant start the game with defaut game + original dlc and u allso have steams verify cache as a validater , then u are in trouble


it can happend that a save game is buggy try allso 1save game before that one


and dont forget some mods might have been to a previous patch so the maybe dont Work at all to a newer FNV version



and its a most to use Nexus mod manager = NMM thats have takeover the FOMM as i understand it

Edited by mantakno
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