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[LE] Bow of disintegration


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Hey all.


I'll just start with the mod idea. I use the bow almost all the time, and I hate leaving bodies lying around in-game. Is there, or is anyone willing to make, a mod that would let me enchant a bow to disintegrate both people it kills and dead bodies found.


If it's possible (or it already exists) pleas let me know.


Thanks for your time and effort.





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I do not familiar with either the bow of that type or burial mods, but I imagine it could be a forge recipe to create that bow/ammunition/arrows (with some requirements maybe). The bow itself could be a(n unenchantable) weapon with a hidden enchanting of a (FX persisted) scripted magic effect. The effect's script is checking whenever the target is dead. Case if yes - apply a sound, some shader effect on it for some seconds, and after these seconds passed - disable and DeleteWhenAble that target.



Done. I did not attach the sound which should be played while the disintegration effect is played. If you know which sound should be played, just hint) I could imagine a sound from HoMMIV Disintegration spell... but that's not suits there)

Edited by Stealth022
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