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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod request] Hotkeys for some spells


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There is 16 spell slots but much more spells. However some spells, like Protego, have its own "slot" and hotkey. I unpacked and researched some of mods where modders change builtin locked hotkeys like mount fly up/down.

Using T-menu every time when i need to pet beast or build something in RoR or solve puzzles is killing me since a play on PC and keyboard/mouse not damn gamepad %)

So, is there any way to link hotkey to some spells itself (not to slot) by its ID since every spell have it in files? Something like Lumos/Nab-Sack/"Beast Brush"/Conjuring/etc. (actually it needed for ALL non combat spells) link to F5-F8 or whatever? Since devs doesen't created special "Utility" panel for its.

And yeah, I am now too stupid to learn how it is can or can't be done...

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