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Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts legacy - need help salvaging a save file (character falling infinitely))


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My character is falling through the world. I can't mount my broom. I can't floo flame. Does anyone know of a mod I can use that can change my position or edit my save file's character location?

I'm going to lose a lot of time and progress if I can't fix this.

(auto saves are corrupt too - last separate save was 5 days ago)

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Or if you'd like to take a stab at editing your save file:


Hogwarts Legacy Save Game Editor - https://www.nexusmods.com/hogwartslegacy/mods/77
A SQL editor - like SQLite Studio https://sqlitestudio.pl/


Export your save file using the save game editor, open in SQLite, run the query below (select all the text before running), then generate a save file from the updated sqlite file.


UPDATE MiscDataDynamic SET DataValue = 392002.03125 WHERE DataName = 'LocX' ;
UPDATE MiscDataDynamic SET DataValue = -519267.8125 WHERE DataName = 'LocY' ;
UPDATE MiscDataDynamic SET DataValue = -82065.25 WHERE DataName = 'LocZ' ;
UPDATE MiscDataDynamic SET DataValue = 0.0 WHERE DataName = 'Pitch' ;
UPDATE MiscDataDynamic SET DataValue = 160.806931 WHERE DataName = 'Yaw' ;
UPDATE MiscDataDynamic SET DataValue = 0.0 WHERE DataName = 'Roll' ;
UPDATE MiscDataDynamic SET DataValue = 'Overland' WHERE DataName = 'World' ;
Not sure how it would work on your end, I tested on my saves and they all sent me to Gladrags for some reason. I'm assuming you've been to Hogsmede already.
Edited by ka1var
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