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Menu/Inventory crashing.


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If you're using the Safety Load SKSE plugin, you'll want to open SafetyLoad.ini (in Data/SKSE/Plugins). There should be a line labeled

EnableOnlyLoading = false

Replace that with:

EnableOnlyLoading = true

That stops Safety Load from causing menu crashes.


Had a minor issue where entering my inventory would make the game ctd, mostly during an otherwise heavy load (like having eight people throwing spells all over the place in heavy rain/fog for instance). This seems to have helped, thanks.

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  • 4 months later...

There are two other fixes to inventory crashes that you could also try OP. If you ever had a version of Skyui prior to 3 (I think) installed and you never properly uninstalled it before upgrading to a new version you can experience inventory crashes. So you could look for those old skyui files and erase them or clean reinstall. Also deleting the inventorymenu.swf in your interface folder sometimes fixes inventory menus crashes. The game should regenerate this file for you, but back it up just in case before deleting it.

Thank you! many times over this was the hardest to find solution ever and it works!!! no more evil inventory crashes from hell for me! :laugh:

Also the safety load thing was needed to in my case.

Edited by dragonloverlord
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It is the new SKYUI and the new version of FNIS. Neither one has been moded right. Neither one works. Most of the new mods require both, and one with out the other says it will not work, but I found that regaurdless what you do, they still will not work and you will still get crashes. I went in and uninstalled everything. And then re-installed both. I got the same crash again and again and again. Who ever made these mods needs to correct both of them.

My sugestion is that everyone forgets about those great, worthless new mods until the bright person who designed the new FSIN and Sky UI that neither works, fixes them to where they do work.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi , I am getting crashes only when I open inventory and navigate to the book section,


this is annoying because i cant read books to complete certain parts of my quest ...


i dont use Safety Load SKSE plugin


anyone got any suggestions for this , also i s ther a way i can read the cultist order via a command prompt instead of navigating to the menu ?


thank you

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  • 2 months later...

If you're using the Safety Load SKSE plugin, you'll want to open SafetyLoad.ini (in Data/SKSE/Plugins). There should be a line labeled

EnableOnlyLoading = false

Replace that with:

EnableOnlyLoading = true

That stops Safety Load from causing menu crashes.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 months later...

Also deleting the inventorymenu.swf in your interface folder sometimes fixes inventory menus crashes. The game should regenerate this file for you, but back it up just in case before deleting it.

This solution just worked for me. I was updating my mods, including skyui, and i experienced ctd on using inventory.


I deleted all skyui files, but it didn't work. I then deleted inventorymenu.swf and that fixed it.

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