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Menu/Inventory crashing.


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I contribute for search engine pilgrims who are looking for "ctd on inventory".


I had the same issue, but the CTD was random on opening inventory or merchants.

I just pushed SkuUI the higher I could in the mods load order.


I also installed SSME (for another issue, but it can't hurt).


It works like a charm now.

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  • 1 year later...


Also deleting the inventorymenu.swf in your interface folder sometimes fixes inventory menus crashes. The game should regenerate this file for you, but back it up just in case before deleting it.

This solution just worked for me. I was updating my mods, including skyui, and i experienced ctd on using inventory.


I deleted all skyui files, but it didn't work. I then deleted inventorymenu.swf and that fixed it.


Where are you finding this file? I looked in the Interface folder and it isn't there

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  • 5 months later...

I contribute for search engine pilgrims who are looking for "ctd on inventory".


I had the same issue, but the CTD was random on opening inventory or merchants.

I just pushed SkuUI the higher I could in the mods load order.


I also installed SSME (for another issue, but it can't hurt).


It works like a charm now.


I contribute for search engine pilgrims who are looking for "ctd on inventory".


I had the same issue, but the CTD was random on opening inventory or merchants.

I just pushed SkuUI the higher I could in the mods load order.


I also installed SSME (for another issue, but it can't hurt).


It works like a charm now.




Also deleting the inventorymenu.swf in your interface folder sometimes fixes inventory menus crashes. The game should regenerate this file for you, but back it up just in case before deleting it.

This solution just worked for me. I was updating my mods, including skyui, and i experienced ctd on using inventory.


I deleted all skyui files, but it didn't work. I then deleted inventorymenu.swf and that fixed it.


Where are you finding this file? I looked in the Interface folder and it isn't there


the file is found in skyrim/data/interface ... but I rename the file and it didn't help and the game also didn't replace it with a new one. Might be that there is a seond file at a different location ?

Btw, I can "play" the game just fine (some mods won't work of course without skyui) as long as skyUI is not installed. So I guess the bug is in corrupted files. Reinstalling skyui didn'T help though...

Edited by BlackBoxDemon
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If you're using the Safety Load SKSE plugin, you'll want to open SafetyLoad.ini (in Data/SKSE/Plugins). There should be a line labeled

EnableOnlyLoading = false

Replace that with:

EnableOnlyLoading = true

That stops Safety Load from causing menu crashes.

File not there, does it make sense to create it and put that line into it?

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i downloaded skyui, then it didnt work and crashed my game every time i opened any inventory i've gone through all my files and deleted all skyui files, that didnt work so i re installed skyrim and it still doesnt work

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...



Also deleting the inventorymenu.swf in your interface folder sometimes fixes inventory menus crashes. The game should regenerate this file for you, but back it up just in case before deleting it.

This solution just worked for me. I was updating my mods, including skyui, and i experienced ctd on using inventory.


I deleted all skyui files, but it didn't work. I then deleted inventorymenu.swf and that fixed it.


Where are you finding this file? I looked in the Interface folder and it isn't there


I have the same problem! Where the heck is this inventorymenu.swf file? It's not in the interface folder...

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  • 3 months later...

There are two other fixes to inventory crashes that you could also try OP. If you ever had a version of Skyui prior to 3 (I think) installed and you never properly uninstalled it before upgrading to a new version you can experience inventory crashes. So you could look for those old skyui files and erase them or clean reinstall. Also deleting the inventorymenu.swf in your interface folder sometimes fixes inventory menus crashes. The game should regenerate this file for you, but back it up just in case before deleting it.

I don't have the inventorymenu.swf file. I checked the integrity with steam and it said 1 file restored but it wasn't this file. aAe there any other fixes(also skyui has always been the latest version for me as i started playing after the latest update)

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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...

If you're using the Safety Load SKSE plugin, you'll want to open SafetyLoad.ini (in Data/SKSE/Plugins). There should be a line labeled

EnableOnlyLoading = false

Replace that with:

EnableOnlyLoading = true

That stops Safety Load from causing menu crashes.

Thanks about 6 years later and this seems like it works

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