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  • 2 weeks later...

Not exactly what you're looking for, but if you use Place Everywhere, you can use it to enlarge a normal campfire to the size you want, sink it into the ground a bit to hide the stone circle, and then throw random settlement junk onto it. This way, at least, every bonfire will be unique.



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How large and should it have an integrated base like twigs etc.? There is a neat fire model in game, approx. human tall, and it can be placed in workshop mode just by itself, while making it have a handle to drag by is a bit problematic.

ps. Guess, it makes no sense for a mod and can be simply placed with console commands, here just in case then FXFireMed01 [MSTT:001DA025] or FXFirePrydwenMed [MSTT:00246745] , they can't be scrapped in workshop anyway.

Edited by hereami
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