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What if the next Elder Scrolls game was based in a more modern era?


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I was thinking aout this the other day....

Maybe a little more modern... like with pirates like in Pirates of the Caribbean rather than be based on the medieval and roman times like the previous ones

The pirates were not that much more evolved.... other than having guns, cannons, etc...

Or maybe with a Victorian setting, 1800's? It would seem more immersive in my opinion rather than it be the same every century

I have seen people say on other forums that the people of the Elder Scrolls wouldn't need guns or cannons , etc as they have magic....

But maybe not everyone can use magic..... or are interested in magic. Aren't the Nords that way inclined anyway?

Just a thought lol

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Sorry I posted this twice by mistake because of my internet playing up


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: )

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Well that actually would've made some sense in between TES IV and V since they jumped ahead 200 years. But making things more "modern" for TES VI would require another time jump in my opinion to make sense which would be disappointing since I think a lot of people, myself included, would like to see the (relative) aftermath of the Civil War and return of the dragons, and (hopefully) the next war with the Dominion which doesn't seem to be hundreds of years off. It's also somewhat believable if you equate Tamriel being in the TES equivalent of the Dark Ages where very few advancements were made.


I do agree that I'd like to see some progress eventually, but it becomes a tricky and slippery slope. Once you start advancing in terms of architecture, technology, etc. it's sort of hard to stop and if the series continues they'd eventually get to the point where the setting would be ultramodern or near-future which would be a far cry from what long-time fans are used to. The only other option would be to go back in time and revisit past ages ala TES Online, but even that is limited since Bethesda have already outlined so much of that history.

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Fun facts:

- Ultima VII had its dose of pirates, cannons, a musket, and some musings on the british class system straight from victiorian era.

- Palladium RIFTS published much more books than the original Palladium Fantasy RPG.


Both of them are examples of "a little more modern", but hey, way much different... I, for one, welcome TES to stay within their kind of setting.

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For me, part of the attraction of Skyrim is that it it rooted in a fantasy based, historical environment. Think Lord of the Rings, Beowulf etc.


If it was to be transposed into a more modern scenario - Fallout or GTA being the ones that spring to mind, then much of the attraction would be lost for me.


I still play Skyrim (& I've had it since Day One) because it offers the chance to experience a fantasy world, far removed from Real Life, in which I can experience Elves, Giants & Dragons. I'm really not interested in introducing gunpowder, rifles, or modern tech.


Plus, as has been said above, for the next instalment I would really like to see either the Empire / Aldmeri war, or it's immediate aftermath.


I am quite happy for the TES series to remain within it's current time frame.

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Except Tamriel isn't the real world, so "modern" doesn't really apply. There's no reason to even assume that pirates or guns (as we think of them) would ever be invented in that alternate universe.

It's not really a matter of time; it's about the type of world Bethesda created. From Oblivion to Skyrim 200 years passed without new technology being introduced, and that's the way Bethesda evidently wants it.

People shouldn't assume that just because a game has swords, the next evolution of the series has to be pirates and early guns...


Assassin's Creed went in that direction because it's based in the real world, not a fictional one like Tamriel/Nirn.

Edited by Rennn
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The Dwemer were the most technologically advanced of all the cultures on Nirn (rather steampunkish) and look what happened to them - or what they did to themeselves. It's almost a sign that the world is destined to remain fantasy/medieval.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Except Tamriel isn't the real world, so "modern" doesn't really apply. There's no reason to even assume that pirates or guns (as we think of them) would ever be invented in that alternate universe.



But The Elder Scrolls has things like horse and carriages, medieval style houses and castles, that have been in THIS world.... swords .... that were also used in this world in the Medieval times amongst other things. Why didn't they go all out and invent some weird architecture never found in this world and other weird looking things.....I think they did this so we could relate to an extent to the world


Why can't they do the pirates thing (which isn't that much further from Medieval anyway) and mix all that with the fictional magic, daedric princes, etc...... like they mixed the Medieval and Roman style things (which were real) with the magic, daedra and dragons?



And I am not talking machine guns..... but pirate guns, cannons, etc

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