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Anno 1800

loader not working?


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Hi Guys


so i bought the game on steam, downloaded ubi soft connect, linked both accounts, downloaded mod loader unpacked the mods changed the 2 dll files and i go to start the game via mod loader it loads up ubi soft syays starting anno 1800 and then nothing??


also de activated all mods re verified the files to remove the dll files still same issue.


another thing when i open mod loader it says there is a update i press yes it downloads the files and then closes mjod loader it never updates??


Whats going on here or am i missing?



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I don't know, which Mod-Manager you will use, but maybe this one will help you: https://www.citybuilders.de/sites/1800/index.html


when i start with the above it just goes to ubi soft synchronizing with cloud and then crashes game doesn't load


I don't know, which Mod-Manager you will use, but maybe this one will help you: https://www.citybuilders.de/sites/1800/index.html

Edited by 5DollaHustle
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