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FO:NV with FO3 vanilla Energy weapon aiming. How?


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i posted this before some time ago, but this time i will elaborate my problem a bit more.

does anyone know how to stop energy weapons like the plasma rifle and laser rifle from moving into the middle of my view? can they be more like fallout 3 classic aiming where they stayed on the right side of the screen and never moved even when i hold the aim button? it bugs me when they block my screen and what i am shooting at.

the problem so to speak is with a mod, WMX or Project Nevada (i'll have to go back and check) i believe which gives iron sights to the weapon which are actually pretty darn good thanks to all the wonderful people who create mods, however the iron sights for vanilla weapons are just poor but apart form their shoddy iron sights, i want to use the vanilla weapons too but if i set it to iron sights i get the awesome centered sights for user created weapons and piss poor vanilla sights too and just dont want to bother with iron sights anymore and have it set off. but if i turn off iron sights i get what you see in the image below.

so rather than fix the sights, i would prefer what i think is a simpler option which is to set it back to vanilla settings, get rid of the aim down sight animation entirely for the weapons in question or hell all of the weapons if i had too.

what field do i change in the FNV editor or GECK to change aim animation thanks.

The below image is with ironsights off in the options as you can see the PN crosshair in the middle

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