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CK and conditions

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I want to have a condition that match: ((A AND B) OR (C AND D))


Here is what I wrote so far (but it's not working):



Function Name Function Info Comp Value


GetIsID Actor: 'DLC01Ada' == 1.00 And ( A )

GetGlobalValue Global: CompChoice == 0.00 Or ( B )

GetIsID Actor: 'DLC04Dixie' == 1.00 And ( C )

GetGlobalValue Global: CompChoice == 1.00 And ( D )



The first 2 lines works fine. It stop working when I introduce the last 2 lines.


I read posts on CK Conditions but I don't get it.


Any insight would be appreciated.

Edited by F4ll0uta
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Branching is quite a pain, true. ORs form a single block until last member marked AND concludes it, then a new OR block may start and will AND with previous OR block. ANDs do not form such a block and sequences of them can't be ORed as solid blocks. Recombine, notation AND block members should be cross-ORed by exclusion principle:

=== OR Block1

GetIsID Actor: 'DLC01Ada' == 1.00 OR ( A )

GetGlobalValue Global: CompChoice == 1.00 AND ( D )

=== OR Block2

GetIsID Actor: 'DLC04Dixie' == 1.00 OR ( C )

GetGlobalValue Global: CompChoice == 0.00 AND ( B )

Results in Block1 AND Block2.

(True OR False) AND (False OR True) for Ada, (False OR True) AND (True OR False) for Dixie. Other combos will fail.

Edited by hereami
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Branching is quite a pain, true. ORs form a single block until last member marked AND concludes it, then a new OR block may start and will AND with previous OR block. ANDs do not form such a block and sequences of them can't be ORed as solid blocks. Recombine, notation AND block members should be ORed by exclusion principle:

=== OR Block1

GetIsID Actor: 'DLC01Ada' == 1.00 OR ( A )

GetGlobalValue Global: CompChoice == 1.00 AND ( D )

=== OR Block2

GetIsID Actor: 'DLC04Dixie' == 1.00 OR ( C )

GetGlobalValue Global: CompChoice == 0.00 AND ( B )

Results in Block1 AND Block2.

(True OR False) AND (False OR True) for Ada, (False OR True) AND (True OR False) for Dixie. Other combos will fail.



Do I create a Block simply by adding a blank condition ending with "Or" ?

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In the list, consecutive Conditions with OR form a block from top to bottom, first AND below it closes the block and belongs to it. Let's say, 3 ORs followed by AND = solid block of 4 members (e.g. A Or B Or C Or D). Which operator is used at very end of the list in CK - that makes no difference, same as for a list with just one Condition.

Edited by hereami
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Basically you need to define all the permutations.




  • ((A AND B) OR (C AND D))

Can be represented by the logically equivalent list of Condition Items



If I read from left to right, I would express it like this


A OR C, and, A OR D, and

B OR C, and, B OR D


Note that it uses all OR "combinations" from each letter of the first parenthesis, with the letters of the second parenthesis.


Thank God we can copy-paste the conditions as needed.

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