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Hogwarts Legacy

Create Horcrux mod request

Guest deleted73800458

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Guest deleted73800458

This is a idea, i seen the book in the Restricted section Secrets of the Darkest Arts, so the mod could be after learned Avada Kadavra a quest comes up go to the restricted section after hours and use the


disolution spell to go invisible so the prefects dont see then go and grab the Book Secrets of the Darkest Arts then go to a secret location and do the same process Tom Riddle did to create 7 Horcruxes,


then become The Dark Lord As a new DLC and the 7 items are Diary, Gaunt Ring, Locket, cup, Tiara, A snake and a student and then put a cursed enchantement on each Horcrux, also transport to Borgin


and Burks in Nocturne ally, and able to wonder Nocturne ally, also have those profecy those ones in the movie order of the Phenix, so get the next message to go and create the next Horcrux so there you go.

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