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Mod Ideas


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I am planning on making a rice field mod where the point of it was to travel to another island south of vivec and there where huge rce fields and in the center is going to be a town which will consist of:


an inn: "the thirsty moose" Named after my hometowns tavern in real life.


The Masters House: made with dongle`s Shinto shrine models (if you buy the fields you may live in here)


Farmer shacks: a whole bunch of shacks for all of the rice farmers


A traders shop: you can buy and sell items here


storage building: where all of the farming equipment is


Harbour: there will be a quite large harbour for transporting the salt to the mainland or vardenfell



this is my plan for what it will look like, but I need more ideas, the rice farmers wil wear gondolier clothing but renamed to rice farmers ___

What I need is a model of those sythes used to harvest them (you know- the chinese sythes)


I also want three dark elves and three imperial farmers fight it out in the fields and this triggers a side questabout why they are fighting (which will be about ownership of certainb areas of rice)




that you can buy and govern your own rice fields and collect a certain amount of money monthly and you need to solve compatiblility problems with the farmers.




the only problem is that I`m new to the CS and I cant write dialogue proprely to trigger quests and such or know how to make a fight out in the fields

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