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My latest absurd crash.


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So I'm outside with my player-home cow, and three chickens in the animal stall, kindly offering them some priest's cap "glowy healy goodness" magicks, while a thunder storm is raging about us. I leave (I mean me) and and pour a fresh cup of coffee, linger at the frig for a few minutes, looking aimlessly for something that looks appetizing (nothing!), and then return to my computer and resume actively playing.


All is well, cow mooes loudly, thunder occasionally rumbles, chickens be their busy little selves pacing back and forth, and so I stood back up (priest's cap enchantment produces wide range "friendlies" heal but only while in crouch), and started walking around the entrance of the stall towards the forge to make some arrows before going on a bush walkabout (my kind of "gaming fun)


Classic sputter, and... crash.


So I check the netscript log, and it says

Possible relevant objects (3)
  [ 144]    BSFadeNode(Name: `SquarePillow`)
  [ 147]    BSTriShape(Name: `SquarePillow:0`)
  [ 198]    BSLightingShaderProperty(Name: null)

Usually I can "accept" and even sometimes fix whatever it throws at me... This one kinda defies logic. I'm outside, I've been outside for around ~10 minutes or so. And wtf do pillows have to do with anything?


PS> no this isn't' a plea for help, it's just sharing a laugh for anyone else who runs into these inane, perplexing crashes. It's just so absurd. As if the game was an "impish" AI, and likes "Effn wicha"


All well's that ends well, time to fire up again.

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