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Hogwarts Legacy

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Some Hogwarts Legacy players ( including myself) are in situations where we are bugged and there is no fix. ( my situation: https://gyazo.com/ea68c4608e38e618e50171d40117abcc) For example i am stuck in this cave clipping through the ground. I would like to suggest making a mod that would help unfortunate players, here's a few ideas: 1: A mod that allows you to open the map ANYWHERE, this way you can access the floo to escape no matter where you are trapped, including areas where the map is disabled. 2: an /unstuck ui button that makes you respawn when you click it, 3: a noclip mod ( self explanatory), 4: a mod that allows you to access manual saves from ages ago. I think number 1 is probably the easiest, but I would be incredibly grateful if anyone could provide any kind of solution. I hope some kind soul reads this and decides to be a hero. Many thanks.



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