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Looking mormal mod f4 npc scaling lvl


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Good day.
I'm looking for normal Fallout 4 mod to npc level scaling.

What this mod DOES to do:

this mod must to leveling ALL npc (according to current player's level). "All npc" - it's mean ALL NPC exactly, including any enemies, neutral npc, friendly npc, merchants, settlers, settlement's turrets, npc in the random encounters, e.t.c. In short - all npc.


What this mod DOESN'T to do:

1. this mod should not have the additional modifiers (incoming/outdoing damage, xp, e.t.c.);

2. this mod should not modify npc's value (except for changes by the game itself according to in-game formulas);

3. this mod should not have the MCM;

4. this mod should not have the conflicts with other mod (including "unofficial patch).


p.s. I was tried some mods, including





1. First mod have no full lists of the npc and encounter zones, and have some conflict with some mods....
2. Second mod - have disbalanced additional modifiers and MCM, and also have some conflicts with some mods...
3. And third mod - just recalculate encounter zones, and his to do that very bad - some npc's level will be up, and some - will be not. And npc's level can be change to npc - who respawn in the encounter zones exactly (it's mean - all npc BETWEEN encounter zones DOESN'T change).

Edited by unknos
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