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Quick armor mesh merging request.


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Hey, I was wondering if anyone could help me out really quick because I can't figure out how the heck to use Nifskope. I'm looking for someone to merge parts from some of the female Pitt Raider armors together into a female armor nif, since I really like the look of the Raider Paingiver Armor but don't like the spiky bustier (same thing for the Raider Commando Armor and the bulky pants/boots). Here's a quick mockup I did in MSPaint of what I'm looking for.




It's basically the Raider Commando Armor's torso/belt section, Raider Paingiver Armor's left sleeve and Raider Throwdown Armor's right sleeve with the Commando Armor's elbow pads overlaid on top of them, and Paingiver Armor pants.


I'd be really grateful if anyone could help me out with this. Thanks!



Ooh, and one more thing. Would it be possible to make a version of the Biker Goggles where you wear them pushed up around your forehead instead of over your eyes? That would be totally awesome.

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