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Two-handed automatic laser attack animation


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It's easy to make laser pistols automatic, they use the "OneHandPistolEnergy" animation type, and you simply set the "Attack anim" to "Attack Loop". This makes the laser shoot like a submachine gun, and is used by Colonel Autumn's laser pistol.


There's a problem if you try to make a laser rifle automatic... it uses the "TwoHandRifleEnergy" animation set, but in that set if you pick the "Attack Loop" option for the attack animation, it uses the same one-handed submachine gun animation, and it looks absurd firing such a huge-gun one-handed like an SMG!


At the moment the only crude fix for this is to tell it to use the TwoHandAutomatic animation set instead, so that you can have a proper two-handed "Attack Loop"... but the problem there is that this then messes up the reload animation, if you attempt to use the same laser rifle reload animation you get the plasma rifle reload animation instead.


I was thinking, could perhaps someone chance the TwoHandRifleEnergy animation type so that it uses the Attack Loop from TwoHandAutomatic? I've seen a few mods that change attack animations, so I'm hoping someone might know how to do this.

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