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Far Cry

Making Farcry 3 feel more like Farcry 2?


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Alright, I am an advent Skyrim modder, but I recently bought Facry 3 on sell on steam, and compared to Farcry 2, which I LOVE farcry 3 is watered down and unfun, the map is hideous to interact with and look at, the way quests works, failing if I walk slightly outside of the quest area is annoying as hell, and the HUD is absolutely atrocious. also, I feel loot is obnoxiously common, even playing on the highest difficulty I am finding $30 and 20 bullets every 30 seconds or so, compared to Farcry 2 this makes surviving child's play.


I really don't know anything about the mods for Farcry 3, but I figure there has to be someone out there like me who felt farcry 3 should have been more like farcry 2 xD

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I was dissapointed with FC3 vanilla too, but luckely I could change a lot by modding it. There was a lot that needed improvement before it was any fun to me. I played FC2, but a long time ago; and I remember having fun playing it, but also a lot of irritation. Are you planning on making a mod that combines all the good from both games? I didn't look into it yet, but perhaps those quest area boundaries etc. can be edited out. I'm sure the loottable can be changed; I think by editing shoppingitems.lib you can change the value, price, kind etc.

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