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Dispose of bodies mod


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For the last few weeks i've been playing fallout 3 and new vegas and I never really noticed it until now but dead bodies seem to love hanging around for a long time and it would make very little sense for characters that are assassins or assassin like to just leave the body of a person they killed laying around and I remembered morrowind had a feature that let you dispose of corpses. Would it be possible to create a mode that did something like that where you can dispose of any dead bodies? I imagine this might help some people with lower end systems since that would mean fewer things to load it would also be a nice feature in general for immersion. I'll of course be making a request for this on the new vegas forum but can this be done in fallout 3 or is that beyond what even FOSE can do? I'd really like this mod.

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There are already a couple mods that do exactly this sort of thing! I've been using one of them for quite awhile now and it does the job nicely - with a weapon and nice effects no less. I think the mod was called 'Zap Away' or something like that and it gives you a modified 9mm pistol that you point and shoot at dead bodies to 'zap them away'. It shouldn't be hard to find on Nexus mods if you do a search. Sorry I can't give you its mod number though.


I know I've also seen at least one other mod that does the same thing but I don't recall any details on it. You'll just have to broaden your search terms and you should find something that does what you want.


Good luck!

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Nice i'll give it a look tommorow, my PC bassiclly imploded tonight and I had to recover from a BSOD. I did do a really quick look on both the fallout 3 and new vegas sites and didn't see much but i'll give it another look tommarow. I asusme sicne you mentioned the 9mm pistol that would be for new vegas. Would you know of one for fallout 3 as well?

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I was referring to Fallout 3 as I don't have NV but maybe I just got the pistol caliber wrong - haven't played the game in months actually! :smile: As for your search, just use 'Zap Away' as either one or two words and it should get a match unless something's happened to the mod since I DLed it.


EDIT: OK, found it for you... Went through some folders on my system and located it and it's mod number. The mod was actually called 'Zap-Away' - missed out on the dash is all. Here's the link for you:





Edited by Ranx31
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I was actually able to find it, its a 10mm pistol in case you were wondering, and it works very well I just wish the texture was a tad higher quality but that doesn't really matter. Thanks for pointing it out, wasn't exactly what I was looking for but it does do the job well enough luckily somebody ported it to NV also so that saved me some work instead of having to do it my self.

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Good to hear that you were able to get your hands on it. Lucky as well that it was ported to NV, if you were needing one there too. Despite texture quality, it does what you want and you have to keep in mind it's an older mod already. I guess you take what you can get!

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